Trees have been considered for ages as ones of the key and substantial elements in urban landscape. Thus, the surrounding society’s involvement in raising awareness to look after the trees as oxygen and nutrients provider is undoubtedly important, for the sake of welfare of mankind and the rest of creatures n Earth. Besides, the continuation of research related to trees in urban areas requires decent governance, which is associated to regulation, stakeholders’ participations and arboriculture development aspect. By initiating The International Symposium on Arboriculture in the Tropics: Securing ecosystem functions in urban landscape (ISATrop2017), wishfully information can be collectively obtained whilst strengthening commitment of actors in regard of the importance of trees’ role in urban ecosystem as well as a supportive conducts on actualizing environmental—friendly cities’ establishment in tropical areas.

The International Symposium on Arboriculture in the Tropics (ISATrop2017) that was held on November 21st, 2017, was attended by 3 (three) keynote speakers i.e. Prof. Ahmad Ainuddin Nuruddin (Malaysian Society of Arborist, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia), Prof. Emer. Ko Harada (Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University, Japan), and Mr. Daniel C. Burham (Senior Arboriculture Researcher at Centre of Urban Greenary and Ecology (CUGE), National Park Board, Singapore). Moreover, two invited speakers i. e Mr. Chew Guan Yu and Koh Eu Jin from CSK Landscape Services, Singapore were also presented in oral presentation session and 1 (one) instructor i.e Mr. Goh Mia Chun (Principal Arborist/Tree Surgeon at CSK Landscape Services, Singapore) was presented in Tree Climbing Demonstration and Tryout Station session.

The Second ISATrop 2021

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